Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Information About Depression and Enhancing Your Mood

Submitted By: Steven A Johnson

Depression is a mental health disorder that can affect the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. Sometimes other people can recognize if someone they know is depressed. They may offer to listen or offer lots of love and support. If the persons depressed feeling don’t go away in a little time a friend or loved one may recommend getting professional help for the person. Not everyone can recognize a loved one is depressed and stepping up and recognizing for yourself and asking for help is a good thing.

There is not one single cause for depression. Many factors are considered such as genetics, environment, life events, medical conditions, and the way people react to things that happen in there lives play a major role. Depression can run in family genes but not everyone will get the gene. The death of a family member, friend, pet, or relationship loss can sometimes lead to depression.

Even moving or changing schools can cause depression. Some teens in an unhappy family atmosphere or high stress living condition like poverty or homelessness will become depressed. Substance abuse can cause chemical changes in the brain that will cause depression. Medical conditions that affect the hormone can also cause imbalances creating depression.

Depression involves neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicals help send massages between nerve cells in the brain. Certain neurotransmitters regulate mood, if they are running slow people can become depressed, anxious, or stressed.

There are many different types of depression. Major depression is short lasting and more severe. Dysthymia is a longer lasting but less severe form. Another is adjustment disorder with depressed mood. It refers to a depression reaction to a specific life event such as death. How long it will last and the severity can differ in the person and situation. Bipolar disorder involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of activity or energy.

Symptoms of depression that people experience are depressed mood, sadness most of the time, lack of energy, feeling tired all the time, inability to enjoy things that used to be enjoyable, withdrawal from friends and family. More symptoms are irritability, anger, anxiety, trouble concentrating, insomnia, feelings of worthlessness, aches, pains, thoughts of death and suicide. If someone has more than 5 of these symptoms for 2 weeks or longer then than person is more than likely depressed.

Depression is a lot different than regular sadness. Normal stresses of life can lead to anyone feeling sad once in awhile. Things like a friend moving, an argument with a friend or loved one, not making a sport team, low grades in school, and a relationship break up. These reactions are brief and will go away shortly. Depression is a stronger mood involving despair, hopelessness, discouragement, and worthlessness. It can last weeks, months, and even longer. Depression interferes with their normal ability to do things.

Super Mood Formula is a unique combination of st.johns wort, valerian root, passion flower, magnesium, and other herbs to support a positive effect on the mood. St.johns wort has been used as a mood supporter successfully and valerian root is a calmative that has been known to address fatigue and sleeplessness. Passion flower acts as a gentle calmative and addresses nervousness, hyperactivity, and sleeplessness. This product will enhance your mood and take care of the problems caused by depression. It will let you slip your cares away and enjoy life again. This product can be found at Alternative Health Supplements.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Alternative Medicine - Remedies For Wrinkles

With the introduction and initial advancement of medical science herbal and natural cures experienced a pitfall. During those days, we gradually started believing that chemicals and synthetic medicines are the best cure for the treatment of all types of illness and diseases. Through the ages, knowledge and information about the healing and the soothing properties of different plants and herbs have been passed down by the wise herbalists.

However, in recent times, more and more people have come to realize that in spite of the advancement of medical science, the modern medicine prescribed by the physicians does not always hold the answers for the problems related to their health. As a result, people are once again turning their faces to the more natural and traditional ways of living and healing their health problem. Instead of relying upon medical science and the physicians in general, these days, people are increasingly depending on the herbal cures for their well being and are on the look out for healthy life style.

Wrinkles are very often on the face skin. It is just a natural process of aging, which can hardly be checked. But these days we do come across many teens and also people in their early twenties facing the same problem of lines and wrinkle formation on the face skin. This is however premature wrinkles and aging - a problem which can definitely be controlled with a little acre taken. Brushing off synthetic medicines, these days more and more people are relying on home remedies for problems to get permanently cured. Following are some of the tips which can be used to prevent wrinkles and enhance the skin tone and health.

1. Avoid Sun Tan: First and foremost, it is very important to protect yourself and your skin from sun. The skin gets affected a lot as a result of sun tans; it leads to fast damaging and aging of skin. Medically it has been proved that sun rays directly upon the skin results in skin cancer.

2. Vitamin E Pack: Break 3 vitamin E capsules and put them in a small bowl. Two teaspoons plain yogurt, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey needs to be added. This mixture needs to be applied over the face, left over for 10 minutes and rinsed off with plain water. This acts as an anti-wrinkle pack and nourishes the skin well.

3. Healthy Diet: Intake of healthy and nutritious diet is of utmost important. Leafy green vegetables and bright colored fruit need to be included in the diet for maximum free radical elimination. It has been medically proved that lack of free radicals is the direct cause of wrinkles on skin.

4. Facial massage: Massage enhances the blood circulation and also results in the tightening of muscles and the underlying tissues. This reduces the fleshiness of the skin and prevents from having wrinkles. Places where wrinkles have already set in can be massaged with coconut oil at night.

5. Avoid smoking: Premature face lines and wrinkles are mainly the results of smoking. It hinders natural blood circulation and gives rise to several internal problems. Once the habit of smoking is avoided, the premature wrinkles will be found to disappear.

6. Try bananas: Bananas are the best for anti-wrinkle treatments. One fourth of a banana mashed and applied over the face work wonders. After 10-15 minutes it needs to be rinsed off with warm water.

7. Sleep on your back: As a result of lying upside down or side ways. Wrinkles may be formed. So it is highly recommended to lie down straight and on your back. This type of sleeping eliminates the problem of wrinkle formation.

8. Get a humidifier: Things like room heaters and air coolers impart a drying effect on the skin by absorbing the moisture. This results in fast formation of wrinkles. So it is best to a humidifier. It helps to keep the surrounding air moist and therefore has a good effect on the skin.
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Benefits of Taking Lutein in Supplements Clinical Studies

by Valerie Rosenbaum

There are thousands of published research papers concerning the benefits of taking lutein. Most of the benefits of lutein are associated with eye health. In particular, the antioxidant is believed to reduce the risk of age related eye diseases and the risk of blindness that can be caused by them. But, that’s not the only thing that researchers have looked at.

This may be a new term for you; “diet related cancer”. Are scientists saying that food causes cancer? Not really, but they are saying that certain dietary habits are associated with an increased risk of the disease. The latest study indicates that there are benefits of taking lutein, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, beta carotene and zeaxanthin for reducing your risk of cancer, especially, if you happen to be Mexican American.

Observational studies have shown that there is a higher incidence of cancer among Mexican Americans that adopt the typical American diet than among those that stick with the more traditional Mexican diet. Researchers took blood samples from 2400 Mexican American men over a period of six years. They found the levels of the nutrients mentioned above were much lower in those men that had adopted American eating habits.

Another recent study showed that the benefits of lutein include a decreased risk of invasive breast cancer among women of all nationalities. Samples were taken from thousands of women in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. They were asked about their diets and their smoking habits. The results are similar to those found in other studies. Low intake of beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

Another study supports others in saying that the benefits of taking lutein include the prevention of age related macular degeneration. Macular degeneration can be caused by other things. But, when it occurs late in life, it is, for all intents and purposes, a nutritional disease. The carotenoids lycopene, zeaxanthin and beta carotene are also beneficial for preventing this eye disease that often results in blindness.

Some people feel that the benefits of lutein and other carotenoids can be gotten through diet, alone. But, recent research conducted first in Canada and then in the US has shown that fruits and vegetables are not as nutrient rich as they were only 50 years ago. Did you realize that the data for nutrient content that you see published on the internet and printed on the labels of processed foods are based on measurements taken years ago?

It is safe to say that you should probably eat more fruits and vegetables, for many reasons, but if you want the full benefits of lutein, you need a standardized supplement. The better companies test each raw ingredient and batch for nutritional value, rather than taking an average that was measured some 50 years prior. They also test each completed batch for purity.

Avoiding diet related cancer is one of the benefits of taking lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, lycopene and other nutrients. This is a form of health insurance that everyone can afford.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent several years researching anti aging natural supplements and skincare products. As a result of that effort she has found the best natural anti aging supplement available on the market today. Learn more at her website http://www.NaturalBalanceSupplements.com

Article Source: ActiveAuthors.com
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